Deficiency Syndrome

Get to know the signs

Tiredness, loss of sex drive, low mood or depression, loss of concentration.

Testosterone deficiency is a serious medical condition affecting 1/200 men under 60 in Australia.5

A man may be reluctant to talk about the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. He may feel embarrassed, or somehow less of a man. Take time to reassure him that he doesn’t have to feel like this.

How your partner may be feeling?

He says… I don’t have much energy anymore
You think… He’s just making excuses

What may be the issue…

TDS can affect energy levels and so he may not join in as much in activities as he did before.

He says… I don't have the sex drive I used to
You think… Maybe he has
erectile dysfunction

What may be the issue…

TDS and erectile dysfunction are two different medical conditions with different symptoms. The majority of patients with erectile dysfunction do not have TDS. TDS affects interest in sex, as well as the ability to perform sexually, whereas erectile dysfunction only affects the ability to perform sexually.

He says… I feel depressed/grumpy for no reason
You think… He's in a slump and needs to snap out of it

What may be the issue…

When a man experiences TDS, he can begin to experience mood changes. Often, he is unaware that TDS is a medical condition with symptoms that can affect him physically and emotionally. He may be reluctant to talk to his doctor, loved ones/partner or friends, leaving him isolated and depressed.

He says… I must be just getting old
You think… He's old before his time

What may be the issue…

TDS can lead to muscle weakness making everyday tasks as well as exercise feel more difficult than usual.

Tips on talking to your partner

Testosterone deficiency can affect a man’s body as well as make him feel tired, depressed or less interested in sex. If you think your loved one has symptoms that may be due to testosterone deficiency, it’s important to share your concerns and reassure him that you will be there to support him and that help is available.

  • Understand that it might be hard to discuss the fact that he may have TDS. The symptoms can be a source of anger and frustration.
  • Encourage him to get on the phone to make an appointment to see a doctor Remind him that his doctor is there to help.
  • Encourage him to tell his doctor about all his symptoms and ask whether they may be due to TDS. Offer to accompany him to the doctor's surgery if you think it would help.


  • 1

    Morley JE, Charlton E, Patrick P, Kaiser FE, Cadeau P, McCready D, et al. Metabolism. 2000;49:1239-1242.

  • 2
  • 3

    BSSM, Guidelines on the management of sexual problems in men: the role of androgen, 2010.

  • 4

    Bhasin S, et al. J Clin Endocrin Metab 2010;95:2536-2559.

  • 5

    Low Testosterone. Available at andrologyaustralia.org/your-health/testosterone/ (Accessed December 2018)

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    Harman SM, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001;86:724-731.

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    Torkler S, et al. Atherosclerosis 2011;14:176-182.

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    Mäkinen Jl, et al. Atherosclerosis 2008;197:688-693.

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    Dohle G et al. EAU 2014:1-28.

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    Zitzmann M, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006;91:4335-4343.

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    Yeap B, et al. MJA 2016: 205 (5): 1-5

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    Testogel Australian Approved Product Information, 24 October 2014. Available from www.besins-healthcare.com.au/PI

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    Wang C, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000;85:964-969.

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    Swerdloff RS, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000;85:4500-4510.

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    Wang C, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;89:2085-2098.

  • 16

    Behre HM, et al. Aging Male 2012;15:198-207.

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    Heufelder AE, et al. J Andrology 2009;30:726-733.

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    Lunenfeld B Oettel M. Aging Health 2009;5:227-245.

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    Bremmer WJ. et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1983;56:1271-1281.

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    Lunenfeld B, et al. Aging Male 2013;16:143-150.

  • 21

    Reandron Australian Approved Product Information, 25 September 2015.

  • 22

    Primoteston Depot Australian Approved Product Information, 25 September 2015.

  • 23

    Androderm Australian Approved Product Information, 13 March 2013.

  • 24

    Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Available at http://www.pbs.gov.au.
    Accessed Oct 2017.

  • 25

    Yeap B, et al. Med J Aust 2016; 205 (4): 173-178

  • 26

    Reandron Australian Approved Product Information, 25 September 2015.

  • 27

    Primoteston Depot Australian Approved Product Information, 25 September 2015.

  • 28

    Androderm Australian Approved Product Information, 13 March 2013.